Only 1 more month & we'll be heading back to Salt Lake, YEAH!!!
Things have been going good for us down here in Sierra Vista, AZ.
Hayden is our "little" Joe Pesci (From Leathal Weapon), everything he says is "okay, okay, okay". He loves to eat the dirt (especially from the Ant Hills, after we've sprayed it with insect killer). Now that I think about it, maybe that's causing his repetiveness?
Seriously, Hayden is so much fun. Aaron & I can't believe how blessed we are to have him. We were watching Spider Man 3 the other night & when we got to the part where the girl is being held hostage in the cab up in the web & it started falling, so she screams with her hands on her face, Hayden thought that was hilarious & went around all night screaming with his hands on his face the exact same way. He makes us laugh all the time. He is so smart & has a really good memory. He knows that we always go for walks after dinner, so now at the beginning of dinner he'll go, "Walk, Walk, Walk", and continue until we shovel our food down so we can take him.
Aaron's Birthday is Wednesday 8/27 & he'll be 29. Since his training has been a lot more hours, I wasn't sure what time he would be home on his real B-d. So I planned a surprise dinner at the Texas Roadhouse (the only decent restaurant here) last Saturday night. About 16 guys came (I didn't think he was that popular, but I should have known). It was a lot of fun.
Hope everybody is doing well, I've attached a few pics (please note that Aaron usually doesn't wear the Iraqi attire everday, it was a one time thing). That's another thing that reminds me of Hayden. Whenever we see another guy in uniform, Hayden will say, "Dad!". So cute.
Brooke, Aaron, & Hayden
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