Friday, July 31, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Chillin at the skate rink

Chillin at the skate rink, originally uploaded by eouio.

Hanging out at the skate rink up at North Star Resort.

Breakfast on the patio

Breakfast on the patio, originally uploaded by eouio.

Last day for Ian and I at tahoe. It's been a fun trip, but I really start to miss driving alone after a few days with everyone. I really enjoy having the car and road to myself at 2 AM on the way to work. It's like a vacation every morning.
We rode on the dinner boat last night around Emerald Bay. Avyrlie had a blast dancing to the live music and went nonstop all night long with Thomas trying to hold her hand for a dance every so often. He succeeded once in a while but most of the tme she wasn't interested in a partner to slow her down ;)

The weather has been just ideal the entire time. Just a little rain yesterday which brought in some fantastic clouds and lightning for the sunset on the lake.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Crash Course Quail

DSCF0020, originally uploaded by eouio.

I love quail logic. "Come on kids, lets start crossing the road! You're going to be doing a lot of this so start practicing."

They go back and forth all day long trying to find the greener grass ;)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Coconut Tree

Coconut Tree, originally uploaded by eouio.

I drove past this intersection 4 times woth Avyrlie shouting "I see the coconut tree!" before I figured out that she is actually seeing a coconut tree Not so kooky ;)

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Ice Cream Mountain

It's about 4000°  outside so we stopped to cool down with a frosty. It works out well to share with avyrlie because she does more playing with her food than actual eating. She's been making ice mountains and painting them purple for the past 5 minutes. I stole a bite and now she won't forgive me for eating the mountain with the nice animals... Kooky kid :)

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Beyond Glazed

Avyrlie spotted a new donut shop from a mile away. I was impressed enough to get her one and was also impressed with the donuts. Enough frosting to cause a diabetic coma and several billion flavor combinations. Avyrlie, true to being my child, wanted strawberry and chocolate. 

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Friday, July 10, 2009

Avyrlie practicing silly faces today

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Quick Fix

My carpal tunnel surgery only took about an hour from the time I arrived. The actual procedure was only 10 minutes. It's been 24 hours now and the swelling and pain are gone unless I overwork it or have Avyie grab my arm to swing :o

I'm excited to have a fully functuonal hand again. Aimee is as well and has my massage schedule lined up for the next couple months already ;)

-Update - here is the external result a week later. Tiny incision right on a crease in my wrist.
-- Sent from my Palm Pre