Monday, October 25, 2010

Beaten and Battered

Beaten, originally uploaded by eouio.

Hillcrest ended their winning streak when they played Skyline, who has also been undefeated for the year.

It was rainy and wet, but we started out strong with a touchdown on our first possesion. Somehow we lost our momentum and our lead after that and struggled for the rest of the game to keep our spirits up.

Hopefully our boogyman has been faced and the outcome will be different when we meet them in the playoffs.

Ian had a good game. The wet weather and some badly worn cleats seriously hindered his tackling, but he had a strong running game and I'm sure his kicking would have been spectacular if we had managed to score more ;)

1 comment:

Leah Stone said...

oh that is such a bummer. Dang it. Tell Ian I am sorry. They will hurt them next time.