Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dance Video

For everyone I talked out of trekking up to Avyrlie's performance, we'll host a video party once we get our copy of the studio's DVD recording. In the meantime, I did record her rehearsal the night before for your viewing pleasure. If you lose track of her, she is the girl with her tongue hanging out (a trait she learned from the dog) and is usually dancing to her own tune.

The laughing and giggling you can here as they skip around is Avyrlie of course. She was just as giggly in the performance the next night. She loves that they are supposed to be teasing Gaston through the scene :)

My favorite bit is around 4:18 where she just gets tired of standing there ;)


gouda said...

no more smithpics?

Aaron Smith said...

Try here:

Leah Stone said...

funniest thing I have seen in a while--maybe even funner than Texas Girl. The tongue was killing me, as was the giggling and the no jumping was hilarious. Also the bust a move section is pretty great. Got to love that girl!